svend3 chart library
Svelte x D3 "plug and play" charting library

Bar Chart

Chart Data Schema

  import { scaleLinear, scaleBand } from 'd3';
  import { flip } from 'svelte/animate';
  import data from './bar-data'; // or pass data to component as prop
  const marginTop = $ChartDocs[0].value; // top margin, in pixels
  const marginRight = $ChartDocs[1].value; // right margin, in pixels
  const marginBottom = $ChartDocs[2].value; // bottom margin, in pixels
  const marginLeft = $ChartDocs[3].value; // left margin, in pixels
  const width = $ChartDocs[4].value; // width of the chart, in pixels
  const height = $ChartDocs[5].value; // height of the chart, in pixels
  const xPadding = $ChartDocs[6].value; // padding between bars
  const yFormat = $ChartDocs[7].value; // unit to display on y-axis ticks
  const yLabel = $ChartDocs[8].value; // label for the y-axis
  const color = $ChartDocs[9].value; // bar fill color
  const yScalefactor = $ChartDocs[10].value; // number of ticks on y-yaxis

  // Sort data by default, ascending, or descending
  let sortedData = data;
  $: reactiveShowSort = (input) => {
    if (input === 1) {
      return (sortedData = data.sort(
        (a, b) => a[x].charCodeAt(0) - b[x].charCodeAt(0)
    if (input === 2) {
      return (sortedData = data.sort((a, b) => a[y] - b[y]));
    if (input === 3) {
      return (sortedData = data.sort((a, b) => b[y] - a[y]));

  // Compute values X and Y value of Arrays
  const x = Object.keys(data[0])[0]; // given d in data, returns the (ordinal) x-value
  const y = Object.keys(data[0])[1]; // given d in data, returns the (quantitative) y-value
  $: reactiveXVals = => el[x]);
  $: reactiveYVals = => el[y]);

  // Compute default domains, and unique the x-domain.
  $: reactiveXDomain = reactiveXVals; // an array of (ordinal) x-values // sort by descending frequency
  $: reactiveYDomain = [0, Math.max(...reactiveYVals)]; // [ymin, ymax]

  // Construct scales, axes, and formats.
  const xRange = [marginLeft, width - marginRight]; // [left, right]
  const yRange = [height - marginBottom, marginTop * 2]; // [bottom, top]
  $: reactiveXScale = scaleBand(reactiveXDomain, xRange).padding(xPadding);
  $: reactiveYScale = scaleLinear(reactiveYDomain, yRange).nice();

  $: reactiveYTicks = reactiveYScale.ticks(yScalefactor);
  $: reactiveYTicksFormatted = => el.toLocaleString("en-US"));

<div class="chart-container" dir="auto">
    <select class="dropdown" on:change={reactiveShowSort(this.selectedIndex)}>
      <option disabled selected value> ---Sorting Method--- </option>
      <option value="1">Default</option>
      <option value="2">{y}, Ascending</option>
      <option value="3">{y}, Descending</option>

  <svg {width} {height} viewBox="0 0 {width} {height}">
    <g class="x-axis" transform="translate(0,{height - marginBottom})">
      <path class="domain" stroke="black" d="M{marginLeft}, 0.5 H{width}" />
      {#each reactiveXVals as xVal, i}
        <g class="tick" opacity="1" transform="translate({reactiveXScale(xVal)},0)">
            x1={reactiveXScale.bandwidth() / 2}
            x2={reactiveXScale.bandwidth() / 2}
          <text y={marginBottom} dx={reactiveXScale.bandwidth() / 4}>{xVal}</text>
    <g class="y-axis" transform="translate({marginLeft}, 0)">
      {#each reactiveYTicks as tick, i}
        <g class="tick" opacity="1" transform="translate(0, {reactiveYScale(tick)})">
          <line class="tick-start" stroke="black" stroke-opacity="1" x2="-6" />
          <line class="tick-grid" x2={width - marginLeft - marginRight} />
          <text x={-marginLeft} y="10">{yFormat === "%" ? reactiveYTicksFormatted[i] * 100 + yFormat : reactiveYTicksFormatted[i] + yFormat}</text>
      <text x="-{marginLeft}" y={marginTop}>{yLabel}</text>

    <g class="bars">
      {#each reactiveYVals as bar, i (bar)}
          height={reactiveYScale(0) - reactiveYScale(bar)}
          animate:flip="{{duration: 1000}}"

  .chart-container {
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    text-align: center;
    margin-top: 50px;
    margin-left: 8

    color: black;
    padding: 5px;
    width: 190px;

  svg {
    max-width: 100%;
    max-height: 100%;
    margin: auto;

  .y-axis {
    font-size: "10px";
    font-family: sans-serif;
    text-anchor: "end";

  .x-axis {
    font-size: "10px";
    font-family: sans-serif;
    text-anchor: "end";

  .tick {
    opacity: 1;

  .tick-start {
    stroke: black;
    stroke-opacity: 1;

  .tick-grid {
    stroke: black;
    stroke-opacity: 0.2;
    font-size: "11px";
    color: black;

  .tick text {
    fill: black;
    text-anchor: start;
export default [
  { letter: 'A', frequency: 0.08167 },
  { letter: 'B', frequency: 0.01492 },
  { letter: 'C', frequency: 0.02782 },
  { letter: 'D', frequency: 0.04253 },
  { letter: 'E', frequency: 0.12702 },
  { letter: 'F', frequency: 0.02288 },
  { letter: 'G', frequency: 0.02015 },
  { letter: 'H', frequency: 0.06094 },
  { letter: 'I', frequency: 0.06966 },
  { letter: 'J', frequency: 0.00153 },
  { letter: 'K', frequency: 0.00772 },
  { letter: 'L', frequency: 0.04025 },
  { letter: 'M', frequency: 0.02406 },
  { letter: 'N', frequency: 0.06749 },
  { letter: 'O', frequency: 0.07507 },
  { letter: 'P', frequency: 0.01929 },
  { letter: 'Q', frequency: 0.00095 },
  { letter: 'R', frequency: 0.05987 },
  { letter: 'S', frequency: 0.06327 },
  { letter: 'T', frequency: 0.09056 },
  { letter: 'U', frequency: 0.02758 },
  { letter: 'V', frequency: 0.00978 },
  { letter: 'W', frequency: 0.0236 },
  { letter: 'X', frequency: 0.0015 },
  { letter: 'Y', frequency: 0.01974 },
  { letter: 'Z', frequency: 0.00074 }
const data = [
  { key: x-value, key: y-value }, 
  { key: x-value, key: y-value }, 
  { key: x-value, key: y-value },
  //insert additional JSON data ...
