svend3 chart library
Svelte x D3 "plug and play" charting library

Donut Chart

Chart Data Schema

  import { quantize, interpolatePlasma, pie, arc } from 'd3';
  import data from './donut-data' // or pass data to component as prop
  const width = $ChartDocs[0].value // the outer width of the chart, in pixels
  const height = width // the outer height of the chart, in pixels
  const percent = $ChartDocs[1].value // format values as percentages (true/false)
  const fontSize = $ChartDocs[2].value; // the font size of the x and y values
  const strokeWidth = $ChartDocs[3].value; // the width of stroke separating wedges
  const strokeLinejoin = 'round'; // line join style of stroke separating wedges
  const outerRadius = Math.min(width, height) * 0.5 - 60; // the outer radius of the circle, in pixels
  const innerRadius = $ChartDocs[4].value; // the inner radius of the chart, in pixels
  const labelPosition = $ChartDocs[5].value; // the position of the label offset from center
  const labelRadius = (innerRadius * labelPosition + outerRadius * 0.6); // center radius of labels
  const strokeColorWOR = $ChartDocs[6].value; //stroke color when inner radius is greater than 0
  const strokeColorWIR = $ChartDocs[7].value; //stroke color when inner radius is 0
  const stroke = innerRadius > 0 ? strokeColorWIR : strokeColorWOR; // stroke separating widths
  const padAngle = stroke === 'none' ? 1 / outerRadius : 0; // angular separation between wedges

  const x = Object.keys(data[0])[0]; // given d in data, returns the (ordinal) x-value
  const y = Object.keys(data[0])[1]; // given d in data, returns the (quantitative) y-value
  const xVals = => el[x]);
  let yVals = => Number(el[y]));
  if (percent) {
    const total = yVals.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
    yVals = => el / total);
  const iVals =, i) => i);

  // colors can be adjusted manually by creating a color array which length matches length of data set.
  let colors;
  if (!colors) colors = quantize(t => interpolatePlasma(t * 0.7 + 0.3), xVals.length);

  const wedges = pie().
    value(i => yVals[i])(iVals);

  const arcPath = arc()

  const arcLabel = arc()
<svg {width} {height} viewBox="{-width / 2} {-height / 2} {width} {height}">
  {#each wedges as wedge, i}
    <path fill={colors[i]} d={arcPath(wedge)} stroke={stroke} stroke-width={strokeWidth} stroke-linejoin={strokeLinejoin} />
    <g text-anchor='middle' transform='translate({arcLabel.centroid(wedge)})'>
      <text font-size={fontSize}>
        <tspan font-weight='bold'>{xVals[i]}</tspan>
        <tspan x = '0' dy='1.1em'>{percent ? `${(yVals[i] * 100).toFixed(2)}%` : yVals[i].toLocaleString('en-US')}</tspan>
export default [
	{ ages: '<18', count: '727432' },
	{ ages: '18-24', count: '341435' },
	{ ages: '25-34', count: '444509' },
	{ ages: '35-44', count: '426967' },
	{ ages: '45-54', count: '480565' },
	{ ages: '55-64', count: '515347' },
	{ ages: '≥65', count: '629032' }
    const data = [
        { xKey: x-value1, yKey: y-value1 }, 
        { xKey: x-value2, yKey: y-value2 }, 
        { xKey: x-value3, yKey: y-value3 },
        //insert additional JSON data ...
